Next Wednesday - 5/15
Feeder Calf Special
Bred Cow Dispersal
20 Blk and Bwf,  5-6 year old, Western Origin Cows
Bred to Sim/Angus Bull
Fall Calving, Due to start August 1st 

Reel Livestock Center
Market Report
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Market Steers & Heifers - Top-$1.275/#
Slaughter Cows- /cwt.
High Yield- $63.00 - $70.00
Ave Yield- $53.00 - $58.00
Low Yield - $48.00 and below
Slaughter Bulls - Top, - $94.00/cwt
Feeder Calves-/# 
300-400#strs-$1.75, hfrs-$1.55
400-500#strs-$1.62, hfrs-$1.48
500-600# strs-$1.46, hfrs- $1.40
600-700# strs-$1.40 hfrs-$1.30
700-800# strs-$ $1.30, hfrs-$1.25
Hay  - 300 bales
Small Squares -  $8.00-$11.00/bale
Round Bales - $75.00 - $145.00/bale