Next Hog Sale:
Monday, November 2, 2020


Slaughter Hog - Market Report
Monday, October 19, 2020
355 head 
Light Boars - $20.00-$25.00/cwt
Heavy Sows - $36.00-$39.00/cwt
Light Sows - $33.00-$35.00/cwt
Cull Sows - $28.00 and below
Butchers - $45.00-$47.00
 Light Butchers - $35.00-$45.00/cwt

 Hay Auction - 11:00 

Livestock Auction (starting with Rabbits & Poultry) - 12:30 

Market Report

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Market Steers & Heifers - Top-$1.075/#
Slaughter Cows- /cwt.
High Yield- $67.00 - $72.00
Ave Yield- $60.00 - $66.00
Low Yield - $58.00 and below
Slaughter Bulls - $91.50/cwt
 Feeder Calf Special - Next Wednesday, 10/21 
Hay  - 200 bales
Mix Small Squares -  $2.50 - $5.00/bale
Mix Rounds - Top - $55.00/bale