We will be closed for the next two Wednesdays!
NO SALES - 12/23 or 12/30
Market Report
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Market Steers & Heifers - Top- $111.00/cwt
High Yield -$105.00-$107.00/cwt
Ave Yield -$100.00-$104.00/cwt
Low Yield - $98.00 and below
Slaughter Cows- /cwt.
Turn out Cows- $70.00-$90.00
High Yield- $52.00 - $55.00
Ave Yield- $40.00 - $45.00
Low Yield - $38.00 and below
Slaughter Bulls - Top, - $80.50/cwt
Ave Yield- $40.00 - $45.00
Low Yield - $38.00 and below
Slaughter Bulls - Top, - $80.50/cwt
Feeder Calves - 350 head
300-400#strs- $1.67, hfrs-$1.45
400-500#strs- $1.70, hfrs- $1.44
500-600# strs- $1.56, hfrs- $1.31
600-700#strs- $1.42, hfrs- $1.25
600-700#strs- $1.42, hfrs- $1.25
700-800#strs- $1.35, hfrs- $1.19
Nest Feeder Calf Special - Friday, 1/8
Hay & Straw - 2600 bales
Mix Small Squares - $4.00-$6.50/bale
Grass Big Squares - $40.00-$60.00/bale
Alfalfa Big Squares -$60.00-$70.00/bale
Mix Round Bales - $45.00 -$65.00/bale
Low Quality/Grinding Hay - $10.00 - $20.00/bale
Straw - $4.50-$5.00/bale